
From The Bottom Of My Heart.

Real Believers in God that are in Christianity,can I tell you a 100% Truth? Do not fear at all,and don’t give it any second thought,leave CHRISTIANITY immediately!

Christianity,as it is Today is not God’s Religion,and will Never and Ever be!

It is normal,when God send a Prophet to guide people,they always fear to leave what they had believed before.

Islam,especially the one I had described,is God’s Only Religion.I call on all Believers,working and living for God,and aiming to go to Paradise to accept Islam NOW.

I am inviting Christians,Jews,Believers in all other religions in the world,including Extremist Muslims to join real,and peaceful Islam.

There is no Extremism at all in Islam.It was Satan that misguided all Extremist,Radical,or Fanatical Muslims.And I swear that all members of Al Qaeda,Taliban,Al Shabab,Boko Haram,etc that are Extremists,will have to rejoin Islam!

Any ‘Muslim’ that believes in killing others is not a real Muslim,he MUST accept the peaceful Islam that God is sending me with,to truly believe.

Even Islam from the beginning was peaceful,Prophet Muhammed NEVER fought a single war until God asked him to do so.And which was when Idol Worshippers wanted to uproot Islam completely.

Back to where I started,Christians,do not be Afraid,Scared,Apprehensive,or HESITANT AT ALL,believe me,I am God’s ONLY Spokesperson,I am sure about Myself,NO ONE can tell you any Truer Word.Start worshipping the Almighty God from now on.And the ONLY way to do that is through Islam,the God’s Religion.

What you had been worshipping before was wrong,I am TOTALLY,or Completely Sure.Jesus of Nazareth is NOT Lord,or God,or son of God,but a Prophet of God like Abraham,Moses,Muhammed,or my humble Self.

However,I don’t have any illusion that EVERYBODY will believe,Unbelievers will exist forever! Today’s Christianity,an Unbeliever’s religion,may also exist forever.But real Believers in Christianity now,must know that they don’t belong there.They should never mind if the Pope (who knows about me already) or other Christian Leaders continue to ignore me leading some other Christians to worship Jesus.

I am also not bothered,because I know that NOTHING can make real Believers not believe correctly eventually,they can only delay,and which of course,they will regret.And it is to avoid the pain,grief,or lamenting,that I had been calling them since.

I sometimes go out on Sunday,when I drive around and see Christians in their multitudes,rushing to Church,or shouting ‘In the mighty name of Jesus!’,I shake my head,and wonder when they will believe correctly and STOP WASTING their time! The Greatest Curse of God be upon me if I am saying the Untruth,the Almighty God has NOTHING to do with their worship in churches,He regards it like any social gathering where they probably help themselves BUT NOT real worship.

And here I must observe that it surprises me how people can cope with the huge noise of Christians.Luckily,where I live is sparsely populated,but God hates people disturbing others,not even in the name of worship!

What The Extremist Muslims Should Do.

Extremist Muslims (Al Qaeda,Taliban,Ash Shabab,Boko Haram,etc),I want you to note again that you are only being used by Satan to scare people and drive them away from God’s only Religion,Islam.

If it is truly that you want to help Islam,to propagate it,there are many,many peaceful and rewarding deeds that you can do other than the evil ways you have chosen,forcing people and killing them.

And to tell you the real truth,there is noway Muslims will ever practise Shariah as it was done during,or immediately after the death of the holy Prophet Muhammed (peace of God be upon Him) again.Anyone who says Shariah should be carried out EXACTLY as it was done then is nothing but an ignorant person.

This is because life is changing and reasonable and God-fearing people must change with it.This has nothing to do with diluting your faith or corrupting it,rather,it enhances it by knowing God the more.From the time of Prophet Muhammed till the end of the world,Shariah will be decreasing while knowledge of God will be increasing.Today,we know God far more than during the time of Prophet Muhammed.

When there was limited knowledge of God,it was important for Shariah,or fear of God to fill the vacuum.But as knowledge about God increases,fear will be gradually replaced with love of God.And love of God is by far more important than fear of God – where the power of fear ends is where that of love begins.

Therefore,the Extremists are ignorant,and very weak people in faith.They should go and find ways of knowing God,move closer to Him,fear Him truly,and really love Him.

What they know – Shariah,is only the beginning,as God has said in Qur’an 5/35 thus:’O you who have believed,fear God (Shariah),AND SEEK the means of nearness to Him (Love),and strive in His cause that you may succeed’.

A main problem of Muslims in general is that they don’t practise the first pillar of Islam – Iman,or faith,which is the act of worship that can make one really know God and love Him.And it is the reason why many of them worship with their bodies and not with their hearts.Muslims know the second,third,fourth,and fifth pillar of worship and actually do carry them out,but ask most of them how they practicalise the first pillar (Iman),they don’t know.

But Alhamdulilah,Imam Mahdi,or the Messiah Jesus is coming now to fully establish this first pillar of worship.It is part of what God is sending me to do.

The First Bid’ah In Islam.

Bid’ah is any evil practice introduced into Islam that was NEVER part of the original religion.Can anyone guess the first bid’ah? No doubt,it is the killing of Muslims,or anybody by the Extremists amongst them.It NEVER happened during the time of the holy prophet Muhammed,but began IMMEDIATELY after he died.The companions of the prophet that began it were evil-doers,and prophet Muhammed (PBOH) will disown them on the Day of judgement.

When it started,the extremists feared that anyone could corrupt Islam.So,when they deemed anybody as not God-fearing enough,the next thing was to kill him or her before he/she could harm the religion.Usually,they never bothered to tell the person,or explain their own perceived correct Islam before carrying out their assassination.And unfortunately,that had ever being their mentality till today.

Extremists are evil-doers,why will any sensible person kill another that you cannot create? No Muslim should EVER kill another,the killings God talked about in the Qur’an are either when Muslims were first attacked,or those they are yet to know,a kind of non-conventional fighting leading to non-physical death,which Muslims will soon know of.I’d said it before that there are many verses in the Qur’an that cannot be used superficially or interpreted literally.Muslims should stick to verses that they understand clearly.

What these early  extremist ‘Muslims’ did was too bad for Islam,it had ever been very damaging and is reverberating till today.

Now,I call on all Muslims worldwide to avoid the evil practice,and let’s restore Islam’s good image.It will be for the benefit of all and sundry.If you know that anyone is doing anything that is bad,call the person and explain to him/her.Never take laws into your hands and kill any human being like yourselves.You can also change people’s attitude through good behaviour,and surely,there are spiritual rewards for that.If you carry out terrorist attack and you are caught,your life will be in jeopardy,your religion harmed,and worst of all,God will punish you for it.